Thursday 15 August 2013

Background: getting to "No S"

This is my third time starting a blog that has to do with food and diet. I wish I could say that the others had been successful but it's all a journey and here I am. To sum up.. I'm a 41 year old mother of two teenagers that has struggled with weight and body image her entire life. I'm currently enrolled in a two-year program for holistic nutrition and feel like a fraud in class because I can't get a handle on my own relationship with food. I've probably tried 50 different eating programs and have had the most success with a strict low carb/low cal program which saw me lose 40lbs in less than 6 months but I could not maintain the loss (and I lost a fair bit of hair along with the pounds). Over the last 6 years I've gradually gained back the weight that I lost, going from a size 6 (which I probably stayed at for a month) back up to a tight 12.  At 5'3 I'm currently sitting in the mid 170's, way (weigh) too much for my height and frame. I do workout with a trainer twice a week and participated in a few races (mostly half marathons) in the last 5 years. Over the last two years I've let the running (and intensity) slide and that could also play a part in the weight gain.
Instead of doing what I usually do.. which is start something extreme (my latest was doing a version of the 5/2 Fasting diet) I stumbled across the "No S Diet" on the internet (created by Reinhard Engels), downloaded the book onto my Kindle and thought I'd document how this non-dieting diet process goes.
Typically I start a diet on Monday.. so this being a non-diet, I started yesterday (Wednesday) instead of having the typical "last hurrah" weekend of crazy binge eating where I justify everything because it's the "very last time" I"m going to eat that way.  I also typically weigh myself on morning #1 (and most mornings after) so that I can base my mood and success or failure on the number it shows me that particular day. This time I just started. No weigh-in. No mapping out a calendar of where my weight will be on any given day if I follow the plan perfectly. I just started. I'm not going to do daily weighing. Or even weekly. Maybe I'll do monthly. I just want to stop the racket in my head that says I'm a  loser and a failure. I want the self-loathing to quiet down.
So yesterday I just followed the "No S Rules":No seconds, no snacks and no sweets. That's it in a nutshell. And I was successful. And it felt really good. I had pasta last night for dinner. And then again for breakfast. And it wasn't cheating. After years of low-carbing it felt down-right naughty. But now I'm craving steak and vegetables for dinner.  Maybe with strawberries and blueberries.

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